Keeping Your Business Fresh
From landscape clippings to commercial kitchen scraps or breakroom fridge cleanouts, we make it easy for your food and yard waste to find a second life. Your weekly service includes a 95-gallon cart for compostables, picked up right alongside your trash.
What goes in organic waste?
Sort with care. Learn what should (and shouldn’t) go in your bin and make sure your compostables aren’t contaminated with things that don’t belong.
All Food
Coffee grounds and tea leaves; dairy products; egg shells; fruits and vegetables; meats, bones, and proteins; seafood and shells.
Some Paper
Coffee filters, tea bags, food-soiled napkins, paper towels, and pizza delivery boxes (no frozen food boxes).
Grass clippings, yard prunings, leaves, pine needles, weeds, flowers and floral trimmings. No
poison oak.
Not Allowed
*Branches must be no larger than 4" thick or 36" long to be placed in your organic waste cart.
See our PDF guide for more details and sorting guides.
Container Sizes
We’ll provide you with a 95-gallon roll-cart for organic waste, to be picked up weekly on your regular service day.
Frequently Asked Questions
Compostable yard debris bags are not accepted in our organic waste containers. Leaves, grass clippings, and other acceptable plant materials should be placed directly in your cart.
If it grows it goes! From grains to fruits and vegetables to protein, all foods can be placed in your green organic waste cart.
Compostable Food Waste
- Coffee grounds and tea leaves
- Dairy products
- Egg shells
- Fruits and vegetables
- Meats, bones, and proteins
- Seafood and shells
- Plus: coffee filters, tea bags, food-soiled napkins, paper towels, and pizza delivery boxes (no frozen food boxes).
If you have a container that’s suffering from cracks or a broken lid or wheel, simply fill out our cart repair form or give us a call. We’ll look to fix it up on your next scheduled pickup day.
Please be prepared to provide your cart’s serial number. If you don’t see it on the front center of your container, look on the upper right side of the body of the cart with the lid facing toward you.
Start New Service
Planning a grand opening? Fill out our new service form to set up your garbage and recycling pickup.
From “When is my service day?” to “How do I get rid of this?”…find answers to all your disposal questions or reach out to our helpful team anytime.